Jason Cyrus
One-of-a-kind energizing experience of hypnosis.
The incredible showman extraordinaire—Jason Cyrus returns with the hottest stage hypnosis show in Canada. Hypnotizing thousands throughout his dynamic career, Jason delivers a distinct one-of-a-kind energizing experience of hypnosis. Audiences everywhere are mesmerized saying, “That was the greatest, funniest show I ever saw!” The wildly popular show will leave you captivated, and in stitches with laughter, as participants experience a night of fun leaving their troubles at the door!
Not only are Jason’s shows filled with fun, high energy and non-stop entertainment but Jason demonstrates his unique ability to inspire and educate his volunteers and audiences, leaving them captivated, charged up and wanting more. Expect nothing less than sensational when you watch Jason in action!
The fun, the thrills, and the uncontrollable laughter … it’s the most hilarious and fascinating journey into the mind that you will ever take!
The show runs a continuous 90 to 120 minutes and is performed without an intermission.
Theatrical Haze and Fog.
Recommended for ages Twelve (12) and up
Jason Cyrus LIVE! Official Trailer
Jason Cyrus LIVE (Meet and Greet)
2018 Hypnotized CTV Morning Atlantic on Air Crew
World’s Greatest Hypnotized Dancers
Facebook Fan Page – Hypnotist Jason Cyrus
Instagram – Hypnotist Jason Cyrus
You Tube – Hypnotist Jason Cyrus
Website – www.jasoncyrus.com
*By purchasing tickets, you agree to our terms and conditions (below) regarding Mermaid’s Health statement and agree to follow our safety protocols.
TICKETS $35.00
Terms & Conditions
Here is what you can expect while attending a live performance at Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre:
Tickets can only be purchased online. This is for your safety and the safety of Mermaid staff and volunteers.
Seats must be reserved in advance or on the day of the performance. There is not a Box Office on site.
We encourage patrons to wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Please adhere to the arrival times located on your digital ticket.
All ticket holders are required to read the posted health screening questionnaire posted at the entrance prior to entering the facility.
All ticket holders will receive hand-sanitation when entering the facility.
All ticket holders will undergo a digital temperature scan for admittance into the Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre, should you show a temperature, you will be refunded, but unfortunately not allowed into the facility.
We kindly ask that ticket holders who become unwell during the show seek a Mermaid staff member or volunteer immediately. If you become symptomatic on the day of the performance, please contact the box office before 12:00pm at (902) 798-5841 for Mermaid to release and refund your tickets. Should you have questions please contact our offices during box office hours, Monday-Thursday 10:00AM - 3:00PM.
Assumption of the Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, provincial and local governments and federal and provincial health departments recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, prohibited the congregation of groups of people. Mermaid Imperial Performing Arts Centre (“the Theatre”) has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, the Theatre cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19. Further, attending the Theatre could increase your risk and your child(ren)’s risk of contracting COVID-19.
By purchasing tickets to a Mermaid show, you acknowledge the following:
I understand the contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assume the risk that my child(ren) and I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending the Theatre and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the Theatre may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, Theatre employees, volunteers, and program participants and their families.
I voluntarily agree to assume all of the foregoing risks and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren) or myself (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, and death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability, or expense, of any kind, that I or my child(ren) may experience or incur in connection with my child(ren)’s attendance at the Theatre or participation in Theatre programming (“Claims”). On my behalf, and on behalf of my children, I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless the Theatre, its employees, agents, and representatives, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating thereto. I understand and agree that this release includes any Claims based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Theatre, its employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in any Theatre program.
Mermaid Theatre is monitoring the rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19). Mermaid Theatre is actively engaged with local public health officials to assess the ongoing situation. For more information regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/